
In order to be properly trained and prepared for Event Evangelism using “The Three Things God Cannot Do” presentation board, we ask that you complete the following checklist of items in the order that they appear below.


1. Watch Training Videos

Yes, I have watched all of the training videos.

If you haven’t watched the training videos yet, click on this link to get started:


2. Dialog for the Board Doors

Yes, I have read the document “Dialog for Doors”

If you haven’t read over and studied the “Dialog for Doors” document yet, click here to get started:


3. ABC's of Salvation

Yes, I have read and studied the document entitled “The ABC’s of Salvation.”

If you haven’t read over and studied “The ABC’s of Salvation” click here to get started: THE ABC’S OF SALVATION


4. Decision Card

Yes, I have completely read over, and have become familiar with the use of, the Decision Card.

If you have not yet read or become familiar with the Decision Card, click here to get started: DECISION CARD



5. My Testimony

Yes, I have completely filled out and submitted the “My Testimony” sheet. (This form needs to be filled out, mailed and on file to be a qualified worker in 3 Things.)

If you have not yet filled out the “My Testimony” sheet click here to get started: MY TESTIMONY