
Before you begin Event Evangelism …

First Things First:

If you have a heart for Event Evangelism then you’ll love “The Three Things That God Cannot Do” method of Witnessing. But, in order to maximize the potential of this witnessing tool, we’re offering training videos of best practices and usage of the board. So, first things first! Check out all the training videos. Watch them several times to make sure you have the correct approach in using this awesome witnessing tool for your church or ministry. S.O.S. Missionary, Ronnie Burlison, shares a brief message about the benefits of “The Three Things God Cannot Do” method of evangelism below.

The Benefits of “The Three Things” Method

S.O.S. Missionary, Ronnie Burlison, shares a brief introductory video describing the benefits of “The Three Things God Cannot Do” method of Event Evangelism. Make sure you watch all of the training videos several times to completely familiarize yourself with this method of evangelism.

Training Videos (English)

Click on the links below for the specific training videos you are needing.

Training Videos (Spanish)

Click on the links below for the specific training videos you are needing.